Preparing your home for sale from a photographer’s perspective

We should take a step back and consider what is important when selling a house. For a buyer, a home needs to be livable. The seller needs to make the home look as good as possible in order to sell it faster and get your best offer. Timeless Real Estate Photography will make a difference. We are independent photographers and photograph for many different brokerages. We are also Certified through the Professional Photographers of America with our CPP and service Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa.
Selling a house can be intimidating. And for some people, all of the work that goes into preparing their home for sale can feel overwhelming. Do you have a Real Estate agent? Now is the time to start looking for one. Even if you have plans to put that for sale sign in the yard 6-12 months down the line, your agent can help you get the ball rolling, so soon you will see a Sold sign after that for sale sign is put in. Check to make sure your agent uses a professional photographer. An agent that does not invest in a photographer who specializes in real estate photography will not showcase your property to its best advantage. Ask your agent for a preparation list. Most agents will have one. The longer the list the better! If you do not accomplish everything on the list, do not sweat it but the more you can tackle the better.
Timeless Real Estate Photography in Omaha, Nebraska has a preparation list that we share with our sellers and agents. From a photographer’s perspective, we can tell a big difference in who received the preparation list and who did not. If you plan on listing your home within a year, here are some simple suggestions to get you started.
1: Set aside a room or area where all of the overflow will go. Many use a garage, rent a storage unit, or a bedroom that is not used.
2: Box up all knickknacks, Personal photographs hanging, clutter, extra toys, anything in the home that is not used daily. Set aside items you use weekly and keep them close to the overflow room door for easy access. Label all boxes. If you have children, remove anything that identifies them. The MLS is public. Less information about your family including your name should not be anywhere on the listing.
3: Check your lightbulbs. If they are different colors meaning warm or cool tones, choose one and make them all the same. The cooler blue lighting is popular now. Replace any light bulbs that are burnt out.
4: Are your closets overflowing? Buyers will look at closets and open cabinets. Will you really fit in that tiny pair of pants again? Box the overflow, store elsewhere, have a garage sale or donate to charity.
5: Do a review with your real estate agent on possible repairs to the home. Once your excess belongings are boxed, you can see your walls and closets clearly. Now is the time to paint or do repairs. An agent will guide you.
6: Take a look all around the outside of your home. Clear out any debris meaning left over plant boxes, hoses not used, remove broken kid’s toys, and torn or broken patio furniture that has seen a better day.
7: A good way to think about overflow items are
A: are the objects in good enough shape, that they are worth moving? Are the kids playing with the toys?
B: Does the sentimental value equate moving the item?
C: Will you ever wear those clothes again?
D: Have a garage sale and send all leftovers to charity.
E: Remember all those people you helped move? Have a dumpster party
Keep in mind that positivity is contagious, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed, try to take one thing at a time and focus on what’s most important for the area that you’re looking at improving next and when it is time to list your home, it will be less stressful and you should be successful in finding the right buyer at your price.