Commercial Photography & Still Life
Commercial Photography, Nebraska Headshots and Still Life Photography I have embarked on a year study of Commercial Photography from one of the best and was recently given an assignment. What this assignment did was open my mind to what certain items...
Creative Backgrounds for Commercial Photography
Photography is not just a hobby, it’s a profession. And when you’re in the business of creating images and backdrops, you need to be creative with your work. Whether it’s still life photography or a food photographer in Nebraska, creativity...
Nebraska Headshots In The Corporate Setting
The headshot is one of the most important images that you can have. It is a representation of you in your professional capacity. It will be the first thing that people see when they are looking for your contact information. ...
Photographs & Insurance Claims
Let’s look at how having good photography images can save you headaches if you have to file a claim for property loss. By having a complete inventory of all the personal possessions in your home is the first step in...
Berkshire Hathaway Share Holder Meeting 2022
One of the biggest events is coming to Omaha, NE and that is the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Share Holders Meeting April 30, 2022. I will be there as the house photographer and you will see me on the show room...
Preparing your home for sale from a photographer’s perspective We should take a step back and consider what is important when selling a house. For a buyer, a home needs to be livable. The seller needs to make the home...
How is Covid affecting Nebraska Headshot Photography?
This has been a long couple of years and shows no sign of ending soon. I thank you for your patience as we navigate to keep all of us healthy for the future! Your safety and health are my main...
Christmas Is almost here
The holiday season is a time for family, friends, food, gifts and most importantly cheer! With so many ways to bring some warmth into your home or office this month – from design to music, cooking and photography – We...
Why do we set New Years Resolutions
What is a new year resolution and what does it mean? – Suggestions for setting a new year resolution and why are they important? A new year’s resolution is a promise to yourself that you want to do better and...
Nebraska Headshot Retouching
-Everything you need to know about what we do to retouch your images Retouch- Everything you need to know about what we do to retouch your images! Our goal is to have you get a good night’s rest and be...